Thursday, September 12, 2019
Opening: Clippers Baseball Club meeting was held on Thursday, September 12, 2019 at Tiffin City Hall in Tiffin, IA at 6:00pm.
Board Members Present: Nick Pfeiffer (President), Jeremiah Herdliska (Vice President), Kelly Weber (Treasurer), Matt Carlson (Secretary), Sarah Seidl, Bridgette Schares, Jamie Etscheidt, Ethan Smith, April Schmitz
Others Present: Golda Monohon (former Secretary), Angela Jurgens, Britta Gravelin
- Bank Account/PO Box/Social Media Accounts:
- Kelly Weber is now listed on all MidWestOne (MWO) bank accounts, and a new debit card was issued to Kelly with her name on it.
- MWO Bank sent an email to Board members detailing the setup of view-only access to the Club’s online banking account.
- Kelly Weber will bring MWO Bank account statements to future meetings when they are made available.
- Kelly Weber and Jeremiah Herdliska have the new PO Box keys, they are the only individuals in possession of keys.
- Clippers Baseball Club Bylaws:
- Article VII, Section 3 (Dissolution) of the Club Bylaws was updated to read “The Club may be voluntarily dissolved only as provided in Chapter 504A, Code of Iowa (1985). Any remaining funds in the Club will be donated to the Clear Creek Amana Community School District Athletic Department General Fund.”
- Club Bylaws available here:
- Review of Debt/Prioritization of Repayment:
- Umpires who worked at the 2019 Clippers Classic have been understanding about not having received their checks yet.
- There is approximately $4,000 in debt owed to North Liberty and Tiffin for field use.
- Jonas Zimmerman (Tiffin Parks & Rec) wants to work with the Clippers Club on debt repayment.
- The club needs to know whether we are able to schedule fields for future use with our current outstanding debt.
- The club may request debts be written off as there is a pending lawsuit against our former club president.
- Field cleanup, labor and maintenance may be services the club can offer.
- The club intends to repay the largest debts owed to the community first, and would like to track who paid out of pocket.
- Action Item: Golda Monohon will contact Sarah Gaeta from the CCASD to get invoice for gym usage for indoor practices.
- Action Item: Nick Pfeiffer will discuss debt forgiveness/repayment options with Jonas Zimmerman (Tiffin Parks & Rec).
- Action Item: Bridgette Schares will confirm the availability of field use for two weekends as a gift to the club with Brian Motley (North Liberty Parks & Rec).
- Clippers Club Administration Details:
- Tiffin City Hall has availability for the Clippers Club to meet on the second Monday of each month at 6pm, beginning 10/14/19.
- The club likes the concept of each team closing their bank account at the end of the season, allowing each team to start fresh the following season. This will help keep transparency to how funds are being used.
- There was discussion of determining a threshold for the amount of money that is allowed to carry forward from one season to the next. Teams will provide bank statements to team families at the end of the season.
- Decision: $250 is the maximum amount of money a club team is allowed to carry over from one season to the next. Teams with more than $250 at the end of the season will evenly distribute the amount over the $250 threshold to families of the team. Club teams with less than $250 at the end of the season will meet (or email) to discuss how the remaining money should be managed.
- Article II Participation:
- There was discussion of the Clippers Baseball Club policy, and the criteria for players who are from outside the Clear Creek School District playing for the club.
- Article II , Section 1 (Participation) of the Club Bylaws reads “All children in the Clear Creek Amana High School enrollment district (i.e. attending an elementary or junior high school in said school district or living within said district boundaries) shall be eligible, without discrimination, to participate in the Club’s baseball programs, provided, however, that they have participated in the Club’s annual evaluation(s). It is at the discretion of the board to waive the annual evaluation requirement to complete a team or fill a roster spot that has been abandoned during the season. The Board of Directors shall have the right to impose reasonable requirements for participation based upon proof of satisfactory health, receipt by the Club of a waiver of responsibility signed by a parent or legal guardian, proper conduct by each participant and availability of coaches, referees, playing fields and proper equipment.”
- Fundraising:
- On 9/24/19 at the North Liberty Pancheros from 5-8pm, 100% of the proceeds from any extras purchased from the menu (e.g., chips, guacamole, extra meat, etc.) will go to the Clippers Club. 50% of the money raised will go to club debt relief, and 50% will go to club savings.
- Approximately 70 of the 100 Hy-Vee coupon books have been sold.
- There was discussion of organizing a garage sale event to fundraise with the primary focus of selling kids items, and sports gear. Consensus from the Board is that the event should be hosted inside in the case of inclement weather, and upcoming cooling temperatures. The Board discussed holding the event at the Tiffin Fire Department. The Board’s preference is to host the event in Fall 2019, and will consider hosting the event for two days (Saturday/Sunday).
- The Board will create a subcommittee to help organize the garage sale fundraiser event. Jeremiah Herdliska is the point of contact, and those interested in being a part of the subcommittee should email Jeremiah Herdliska at
- There was discussion of doing a bake sale in conjunction with garage sale fundraiser, and also doing the bake sale in conjunction with the Tiffin Fire Department Soup Supper. The understanding is that the Soup Supper doesn’t generally offer desserts.
- Action Item: Nick Pfeiffer will reach out to the Tiffin Fire Department to check interest and availability to host garage sale fundraiser.
- Action Item: Ethan Smith will reach out to Bryant’s to check interest to host fundraiser.
- Action Item: Britta Gravelin will reach out to the North Liberty Jimmy Jack’s to check interest to host fundraiser.
- The Board has not heard back from Mosley’s regarding their interest to host fundraiser.
- The Depot may offer fundraising opportunities.
- Throttle Down has new management, and it may not be an ideal time for the Board to reach out.
- There are no updates on the hiring of the new CCA High School baseball coach. Once a hire is made, the club will reach out to the coach regarding hosting a winter break baseball clinic.
- The Clippers Baseball Club plans to go through Ironside Apparel for clothing needs. A percentage of the sales will go back to club.
- Once the Board has received fundraising commitments there will be discussions on how to best use the funds.
- Decisions:
- Decision: $250 is the maximum amount of money a club team is allowed to carry over from one season to the next. Teams with more than $250 at the end of the season will evenly distribute the remaining amount over the $250 threshold to families of the team. Club teams with less than $250 at the end of the season will meet (or email) to discuss how remaining money should be managed.
- Action Items:
- Action Item: Golda Monohon will contact Sarah Gaeta from the CCASD to get invoice for gym usage for indoor practices.
- Action Item: Nick Pfeiffer will discuss debt forgiveness/repayment options with Jonas Zimmerman (Tiffin Parks & Rec).
- Action Item: Bridgette Schares will confirm the availability of field use for two weekends as a gift to the club with Brian Motley (North Liberty Parks & Rec).
- Action Item: Nick Pfeiffer will reach out to the Tiffin Fire Department to check interest and availability to host garage sale fundraiser.
- Action Item: Ethan Smith will reach out to Bryant’s to check interest to host fundraiser.
- Action Item: Britta Gravelin will reach out to the North Liberty Jimmy Jack’s to check interest to host fundraiser.
- Action Item: Matt Carlson will update the Clippers Baseball Club Parent Information Guide and send to Board for review and approval of changes by the end of September.
- Adjournment:
- Meeting was adjourned at 7:09pm. The next meeting will be Monday, October 14th at 6pm at Tiffin City Hall.
- Minutes submitted by: Matt Carlson, Secretary.