Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Clippers Baseball Club meeting was held on Wednesday, June 26, 2019 at the pavilion by the playground at Tiffin City Park in Tiffin, IA at 6:00pm.
Club Members Present: Wade Good (Vice President via speaker phone), Golda Monohon (Secretary), Adam Zupancic, Nick Pfeiffer, Darci Roehler (Trustee)
Others Present: Mike O’Connor (Trustee), Bryan Monohon (13U Assistant Coach), Reggie Meade (former Treasurer), Kelly Weber, Brandon Schrock (11U Assistant Coach), Bridgette Cochran, Tasha Good, Sean Keller, Jen Johnson, Heather Clement, Jamie Hamer, Jason Stevens, Jessie Stevens, Jessica Lang, Nick Lang, Teriany Speers, Pam Manary, Bobbi Houselog, Jessi Drake, Sarah Seidl, Matt Carlson, Jon James, Mandy James, Jamie Bowman, Mark Evans, Laurie Evans, Ryan Key, Emily Burgess, Matt Schmitz, Melissa Steapp, Marci Armstrong (Trustee), Brent Henry (CCA High School Coach), Kristy Haughey, Patrick Hughes, Amy Howell, Megan Johnson, Jeff Davis (9U White Coach), Dana Jiras, Heidi Skow, and many others however we were not able to record everyone in attendance.
Due to the current investigation, the meeting minutes will not be posted online but may be made viewable upon request from the board.