Monday, June 8, 2020
Opening: Clippers Baseball Club Board Meeting was held Monday, June 8, 2020 remotely at 6:00pm.
Board Members Present: Nick Pfeiffer (President), Jeremiah Herdliska (Vice President), Kelly Weber (Treasurer), Matt Carlson (Secretary), Bridgette Schares, Sarah Seidl, Jamie Etscheidt, April Schmitz
Others Present: Golda Mohonan
- Open Discussion from Membership:
- No updates.
- Update on Outstanding Action Items:
- April Schmitz will contact Cookies & More about fundraising opportunities – IN PROGRESS
- No updates.
- Kelly Weber will contact Hometown Nutrition about fundraising opportunities – IN PROGRESS
- Hometown Nutrition is interested in participating, but this fundraiser has been put on hold. The Club is considering scheduling the fundraiser for later in the year.
- April Schmitz will contact Cookies & More about fundraising opportunities – IN PROGRESS
- Clipper Classic:
- Each team is guaranteed 2 games.
- The club is considering moving some tournament games to Oxford and Solon.
- 12U can play on the big field in Tiffin if the bases can be moved.
- No concession stands will be available at the Tiffin ballfields, but we may be able to have a food truck on location.
- Nick Pfeiffer will reach out to the print vendor this week regarding pitching cards.
- Tournament Availability by Division:
- 13U Division
- 5 spots available
- 12U Division
- Division full
- 11U Division
- 2 spots available
- 10U AA Division
- Division full
- 10U Division
- 4 spots available
- 9U Division
- Division full
- 8U Division
- 2 spots available
- 7U Division
- 2 spots available
- 13U Division
- Sponsorships:
- Each individual Clippers Baseball Club team needs to send their individual sponsors to Katie Schmelzer at KS Photography as soon as possible to get them on team posters.
- Katie Schmelzer’s contact information
- Phone: 319-331-0305
- Email:
- Fundraising:
- Ironside check received for $528.50, and Hy-Vee grocery delivery check received for $410.
- $528.50/2 = $264.25
- $264.25 + $410 = $674.25
- DECISION: $674.25 has been raised to repay debts ($675 rounded up). The club will pay $500 to the Clippers Baseball Club Scholarship debt and $175 to the city of North Liberty.
- Clippers Baseball Club Fund (GoFundMe Page)
- Click link to donate here and share this fundraising opportunity with others:
- $385 raised to date ($371.72 after fees).
- Click link to donate here and share this fundraising opportunity with others:
- Ironside check received for $528.50, and Hy-Vee grocery delivery check received for $410.
- Outstanding Club Debts:
- City of North Liberty (Clipper Classic Field Usage) – outstanding balance of $1,056 owed.
- Hills Bank (Hills Bank Negative Account Balance) – outstanding balance of $689.90 owed.
- Prairie Hawks 14U team – Ryan Burns (Clipper Classic Reimbursement & Plugs) – outstanding balance of $225 owed.
- Clippers Club 7U team – Brad Curtin (Bounced checks/unpaid tournaments) – outstanding balance of $285 owed.
- Clippers Club 8U team – Nick Pfeiffer (Bounced checks/unpaid tournaments) – outstanding balance of $1,811 owed.
- Clippers Club 11U team – Travis Weber/Kelly Weber (Bounced checks/unpaid tournaments) – outstanding balance of $2,136 owed.
- Update on Pending Legal Details:
- Former Clippers Baseball Club President, Adam Henderson, pled guilty to embezzling funds. His sentencing hearing was rescheduled for Monday, 8/10/20 at 2pm at the Johnson County Courthouse.
- About $38K is owed, and no restitution has been paid.
- Clipper Club 2021 Tryouts:
- Proposed new tryout dates are 8/12 and 8/15.
- Treasurer’s Report:
- 6/8 Clippers Baseball Club checking account balance: $5,352.39
- 6/8 Roster and Dues Update:
- All participating players have paid.
- Open Discussion:
- Send practice and game pictures along with updates to Nick Pfeiffer so he can share on Facebook.
- The City of Tiffin posted the Clippers Baseball Club’s Return-to-Play Guidelines at the Tiffin ballfields for all teams to follow that are using the facilities.
- Decisions:
- DECISION (10/14/19): The CCASD, insurance dues, and mound rental fees are the top debt priorities: $500 owed to CCASD, $793.10 owed for insurance dues, and $500 owed for mound rental fees.
- DECISION (10/14/19): There is $479 left after CCASD, insurance dues, and mound rental fees are paid.Of the remaining funds raised $100 will go to Tiffin Parks & Rec, and $350 will go to North Liberty Parks & Rec.
- DECISION (11/11/19): The Clippers Club Board voted in favor of making the Clipper Classic a one-day USSSA sanctioned tournament.
- DECISION (12/9/19): $621.72 has been raised to repay debts. The club will pay $300 to the City of North Liberty, and $300 to the City of Tiffin.
- DECISION (2/10/20): $899.23 has been raised to repay debts. The club will pay $450 to the City of North Liberty, and $450 to the City of Tiffin.
- DECISION (3/9/20): $705.54 has been raised to repay debts. The club will pay $610 to the City of Tiffin, and $100 (rounded up) to the City of North Liberty.
- DECISION (4/13/20): The Clippers Baseball Club Board will split the $1,000 grant money evenly among the 6 club teams. Each team may be reimbursed up to $166.67 for equipment purchased between 1/1/20 – 5/31/20.
- DECISION (4/13/20): $187.23 has been raised to repay debts. The club will pay $180 (rounded down) to city of North Liberty.
- DECISION (6/8/20): $674.25 has been raised to repay debts ($675 rounded up). The club will pay $500 to the Clippers Baseball Club Scholarship debt and $175 to the city of North Liberty.
- Outstanding Action Items:
- ACTION ITEM (3/9/20): April Schmitz will contact Cookies & More about fundraising opportunities.
- ACTION ITEM (3/9/20): Kelly Weber will contact Hometown Nutrition about fundraising opportunities.
- Adjournment:
- Meeting adjourned at 6:39pm. The next meeting will be Monday, July 13th at 6pm at Tiffin City Hall or remote.
- Minutes submitted by: Matt Carlson, Secretary.