Monday, April 22, 2018
Clipper Baseball Club meeting was held on Sunday, April 22, 2018 at the residence of Wade Good in North Liberty, IA at 6:03pm.
Club Members Present: Adam Henderson (President), Bob Morlan (Vice-President), Darci Roehler (Director of Operations and Interim Treasurer), Golda Monohon (Secretary), Wade Good (Alternate), Nick Pfeiffer (Alternate), and Sara Morlan
Others Present: Dave Roberts (North Liberty Optimist Club Treasurer) and Darlene Smith (North Liberty Optimist Club Board Member)
Clipper Classic Concession Stand:
The North Liberty Optimist Club would like to run the concession stand for the Clipper Classic again this year, but does not have enough volunteers to cover all shifts. Darlene Smith has contacted Christine Mundt from the North Bend Elementary PTG. The NBE PTG would like to help but their number of volunteers will depend on the progress that is made assembling the new playground equipment at North Bend Elementary school over this weekend, April 28th and 29th.
CCABC has reserved the new concession stand for Saturday and Sunday at Penn Meadows park for $300. Due to NLYBS baseball occurring Friday evening, the CCABC will not be able to enter the concession stand to set up and stock until after 9pm on Friday night, May 4th. Adam will be present at Penn Meadows between 8:30pm and 9pm to tour the concession stand. Dave Roberts would also like to meet Adam there.
There will be no trailer or tables to worry about. 1st Avenue Hy-Vee will be catering this year instead of Coralville. They will cook both Saturday and Sunday. Hy-Vee will cook whatever the CCABC requests. So far we have decided on hamburgers, hot dogs, and chicken. CCABC needs to decide if brats will also be provided.
Depending on the space available in the fridges inside the concession stand, CCABC may still need to supply coolers. Soda, water, and Gatorade can be placed in the fridges or on ice inside the coolers to chill overnight. The Optimist Club volunteered to bring 5 coolers with them.
Darlene Smith requested that roasters be used to keep hamburgers, hot dogs, and chicken warm. It would be easier for them to prep ahead of time in order to keep up with the big rushes in between games. Golda and the Morlans volunteered to bring roasters.
CCABC will supply the “startup” money for the register at the concession stand.
Since the games begin at 8am on Saturday and Sunday, the concession stand should open around 7:30am. The Optimist Club stated they would like to be there at 7am to set up and prepare for the day.
10% of gross sales will be paid to the Optimist Club from the Clipper Classic tournament concession stand. A minimum guaranteed amount that will be paid to the Optimist Club is $800.
Dave Roberts and Darlene Smith left at 6:18pm.
Sara, Wade, Adam and Darci have volunteered to pick up items for the concession stand from Costco on Friday. Sara and Darci however will need to be at a track meet later that day and may not be available to help stock the concession stand at 9pm.
Golda will set up and provide the concession stand signs/posters with item pricing.
Clipper Classic Game Logistics:
The following age groups still have openings for the tournament:
14U – full (5 teams total – Round Robin) 10U – 7 of 8 filled
13U – 7 of 8 filled 9U – 7 of 8 filled
12U – 5 of 8 filled 8U – 6 of 8 filled
11U – 7 of 8 filled
The age groups will have the following game times:
8U, 9U, 10U, 11U, and 12U – 1 hour 30 minutes
13U – 1 hour 45 minutes
14U – 2 hours
There will be at least 15 minutes between each game.
CCA Clippers 14U has requested to play in the latest game times in the tournament for Saturday due to the state track meet in Ames. The track meet affects their players and they will not be able to substitute players from other CCA Clipper Baseball Club teams since all players will be in the same tournament. CCA Clippers 12U will need to play early since Trent DeKoter and Adam both coach on the 12U and 14U teams. Due to the lack of lights on the 14U field, the track team will not be back in time to start their 1st game on Saturday AND play the last game of the day before the sun goes down.
Bret Breard will be in charge of umpires at the tournament. The umpires are set, but Bret was unable to attend the board meeting to discuss or answer any questions due to a schedule conflict.
Clipper Classic Field Maintenance:
14U – Field 1
9U – Field 2
13U – Fields 3 & 4
North Liberty:
8U White – Rage Graphics
8U Blue – South Slope
9U – American Legion (8U Blue may be assigned to this field since CCABC does not have a 9U team)
10U – Koser and Optimist
11U White – Big Country and Home Repair
11U Blue – Scheels
12U – Pancheros
Adam reserved the Penn Elementary field as well, but he does not think there is a reason to keep it for the tournament since there is no longer an 11U AAA bracket.
Darci sent out a Signup Genius invite to everyone in the club. A separate email also went out to 13U & 14U regarding field maintenance since those teams are in charge of maintaining all 4 fields at Tiffin. Golda will send out an email to the rest of the club (excluding 13U and 14U) explaining the need for parent volunteers for field maintenance at Penn Meadows. Adam stated that he would contact the coaches as well to get their help enforcing the importance of the field maintenance and the Signup Genius with the parents of their team.
Rick Smejkal notified Adam that the mounds will be dropped off at Penn Meadows on Thursday night instead of Friday night due to a scheduling conflict. Trent DeKoter has contacted the North Liberty Police Department to provide additional surveillance around the shed and the mounds from Thursday evening and throughout the weekend.
Trevor Johnson is supplying the golf carts for the CCABC to borrow during the tournament. He will take care of getting them to Penn Meadows.
Clipper Classic Registration Tables:
Darci was able to locate and bring all team binders for the registration tables as well as pitching cards. She still needs to clean out the binders. Golda will need to print 2 sets of 2018 USSSA bylaws for reference at the registration tables. The list of teams for each age group will need to be set up into the binders. The binders cannot be set up until the game schedules are set. Adam stated that he would close registration on Saturday, April 28th and would post game schedules on Sunday the 29th or Monday the 30th. Adam will set up the brackets and update them throughout the tournament on the USSSA website. Darci, Golda and Sara will meet at Darci’s house on Monday evening, April 30th at 6pm to set up the binders.
Clipper Classic Trophies:
Adam will pick up the plaques from Harry’s in Coralville this coming Friday before noon. They are plaques with a simple design.
CCABC Fundraisers:
Darci has received the money from the Pizza Ranch fundraiser held in February. The total amount raised was $360.11.
Adam stated that CCABC received $203 from the fan gear store set up by Ironside.
Team Practices:
All inside gym practices are now complete. The CCA school district billed CCABC for the total amount between all teams. Adam will bill the teams individually for their total practice times. Adam still needs to finish things up with Jay Robertson (11U Blue) and Trevor Bollers (8U Blue) since they did not use CCA school district facilities.
All teams will need to get a hold of Jonas Zimmerman if they need anything regarding the usage of the Tiffin fields (practices and games).
The concession stand in Tiffin will be open during weekday games in Tiffin. Someone has been hired to run the concession stand.
2018 Sponsorship:
Adam will be in contact soon with Mr. Hovey regarding the $500 CCABC scholarship. Currently there are 4 applications at the school and 1 application was mailed to the CCABC P.O. Box. In one week, all scholarship applications are due. Adam will pick up all applications this Friday for the CCABC board to review and choose the recipient. Mr. Hovey will present the scholarship on May 15th at 6:30pm.
Membership Dues:
There are still players that need to send in their membership dues. Adam has been in contact with those families.
Team Banners:
Katie Schmelzer will complete the banners soon in preparation for the Clipper Classic. There are a couple more teams left that she needs to take their team picture.
Helmet painting is complete and “C” decals have been provided by Ironside.
2019 Tryouts:
Tigers have already posted the dates for their 2019 tryouts. Across all the age groups, their tryouts span every weekend in July except the last weekend. For CCA Baseball Club, tryouts tentatively will be scheduled for Saturday, July 28th and Saturday, August 4th. Rain dates will be Sunday, July 29th and Sunday, August 5th. The format will be coach’s pick again, similar to last year, but Adam would like to tweak the setup a little bit. Wade proposed that the coach could “freeze” some of the team, such as ~6 players, to form the base of their teams. However, the coach wouldn’t be able to pick the entire team. This is in response to age groups with blue and white teams. This would spread the talent more evenly across the two teams.
8U White Budget
Nick Pfeiffer would like to run through the budget for the 8U White team with Adam.
CCA Baseball Club Vice President:
Since Bob and Sara Morlan will be done with their term on the CCABC board after the Clipper Classic, the board will need a new vice-president. Wade Good has volunteered to fill the position as vice-president.
- Darci
- Print more pitching cards
- Clean out binders
- Adam
- Finalize menu with Hy-Vee
- Pick up plaques
- Retrieve scholarship applications
- Contact coaches to enforce field maintenance with parents
- Golda
- Provide roaster pan for tournament
- Set up and print concession stand signs/posters
- Email field maintenance reminder to club (excluding 13U and 14U)
- Print 2 copies of 2018 USSSA bylaws
- Bob and Sara
- Provide roaster pan for tournament
Meeting was adjourned at 7:30pm by Adam Henderson. The next meeting will be Thursday, May 10th. Time and location will be announced at a later date.
Minutes submitted by: Golda Monohon, Secretary