December 13, 2021


Opening: Clippers Baseball Club Board Meeting was held Monday, December 13, 2021 in person at Tiffin City Hall at 6:00pm.

Board Members Present: Alex Schultejans, Katie Piper, Bridgette Schares, Cori Charbon (zoom), Anna Woody 

12/13/21 Meeting Minutes

  1. Open discussion

Bracelets- 50 for $5.. contact softball team, if they’re interest 

Jim Thompson (tournament): there is now another tournament the same weekend, may need to lower price. Theres is 3 games guaranteed for $385 for 1 day ours is 3 game guaranteed 8U under $450 9U $550 for 2 days. (Projected 8-10,000 profit) Need to get our teams registered for the tournament so people can see it. Price is pretty similar to what other 2 days are. Call him to see what he recommends. 

Ideas: decrease price by $50, early bird discount. 

Scheels 20% coupon- Cori taking care of setting up. Date: February 7-20, bat demos- teams can pick a day to try out new bats and usually have good deals on the ones they bring 

Cori will send out reminder on FB/email for uniform ordering. 

  • Update on Outstanding Action Items

Clothing Order- distributing orders to coaches. 

Uniform Online store- active January 3-17 

Second half fee due on February 1st. 

  • Treasurer’s Report

$36,522.81  current account balance 

High school Scholarship-emailed HS council, getting info for what all is needing. In years past it was $1000 total- 2($500) — need to update application form- Jessi Drake updating application. 

Team Checks

  • Fundraising 

Put on hold for time being- see how tournament goes, but keep current scheduled ones  

Sugar Bottom Bakery- February 28-March 4 for a March 6th Pick up

Scratch April 2022 pick up May. Possibly use Tiffin City Hall for pick up location

  • Usage of club funds

Pay for clipper classic fees for each team- 7/8U $250, 9U & up $350. Give each team a check to pay for fees at December meeting. April 30-May 1 

Buy balls for each team- 2 doz for each team (18total)- Cori checking Scheels pricing 

Deckers for balls- getting 40 dozen (around $1600 total).. contacting Katie Piper for contact 

Short sleeve shirt,long sleeve, and shorts for coaches

Club not keeping 10% back and giving it back to teams- – give it back to teams. 

9. Adjournment

  • Meeting Adjourned at 6:54pm. The next meeting will be Monday January 10, 2022 @6:00 PM at Tiffin City Hall.
  • Minutes submitted by Anna Woody, Secretary