Opening: Clippers Baseball Club Board Meeting was held Monday, October 18, 2021 in person at Tiffin City Hall at 6:00pm.
Board Members Present: Alex Schultejans, Katie Piper, Bridgette Schares, Cori Charbon (zoom), Anna Woody
10/18/21 Meeting Minutes:
- Open discussion
Club to pay dues for Easton Henderson due to his dad passing- Voted to approve. Get a card to send.
Play it again sports- got a $232 in store credit. If club members mention they’re apart of the club the club gets a percentage. Give credit to a new team (Katie Moorehead) to help purchase gear.
Clipper Classic Tournament is good to go with Triple Badger. Fields in North Liberty and Tiffin, Possibly fields in Parrie. Date April 30-May1. Share contract with Linn-Mar for logistics of how Triple Badge works.
- Update on Outstanding Action Items
Square, look into the fees, Venmo- Track phone? Link to website able to send invoices
Can send invoices through Square by email- there is no fee if using an ACH. Can split payment in two. Can try it for the second half of dues. Processing fee if there a credit/debit card.
Clothing Order- first week of November, Ask Kelly if she’s going to head it up. See if blankets could be option. As well as Uniforms closed by thanksgiving
Numbers for new teams/combined teams and organize a uniform night first part of January
Tiffin Fields flat rate- $250 April 1-July 31 1x/wk, Rec league gets priority on them. Other options are Coralville, Amana, possibly Oxford.
Gyms are reopened to outside to book- CCA homepage-Building and Grounds-create account. $10/hour will have to have insurance.
A swap night for equipment, cleats, apparel.
- Treasurer’s Report
$39,191.94 in account
- Sponsorships/ team banners
Teams can do their own fundraising/ sponsorships (make sure forms are filled out correctly)
Revamp the sponsorship levels and decrease the amount- make it more enticing.
High school scholarship
- Fundraising
Team can do their own fundraising
Edgewood- still working on it
Hometown-$200 raised by October one November date – nov 7th. Need to up the advertising on it. Possibly a couple boys to help.
SugarPeach, Sugar Bottom Bakery, Taven Blue- possible fundraisers
Clothing order- around Christmas usually store open for 1-2 weeks so posted around beginning November— only offer shipping NO PICK UPS
Pancheros- Nick hasn’t heard back yet
Scratch- April 2022 pick up in May- possibly use Tiffin City Hall for pick up location
Can drive in the Spring
- Usage of club funds
Pay for clipper classic fees for each team
Buy balls for each team- 2 doz for each team (18total)- Cori checking Scheels pricing
Shirt, jacket,and hat for coaches
- Teams needing members/finalized
9U second team with Katie Moorehead
12U no coach
8U not enough kids- some moved up to 9U
9. Adjournment
- Meeting Adjourned at 6:54pm. The next meeting will be November 8th @6:00 PM at Tiffin City Hall.
- Minutes submitted by Anna Woody, Secretary